The Case Study Library

The Case Study Library is an output of the TECHNGI project at Loughborough University, funded by Innovate UK and the Economic and Social Science Research Council (grant reference ES/S010416/1). It is part of the £20mn Next Generation Services Research Challenge (one of the twenty one research challenges supported by the UK government’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund). The views expressed here are those of the authors, not of our funders or any of the participants in focus group meetings used for this research.
Part One of the document is focussed on the theory and methodology of case study research. A discussion of the theoretical issues is presented. This is accompanied by a detailed explanation of the case framework model, which consists of four main pillars: business context, digital technologies and AI, data types, and business & customer benefits.
Part Two includes individual, standalone case studies of Admiral, Aviva, AXA XL*, Direct Line and Hastings.